President Patil makes history by flying in a Sukhoi-30 combat plane. Lohegaon air base of Indian Air Force was buzz with activities and excitement on Wednesday morning. However, President Pratibha Devisinh Patil (74), who smoothly set a record of being the first woman President in the world to take the skies in the world's unmatched fighter plane - Sukhoi - 30 MKI - was cool, calm and quiet even after her 30 minute sortie. Top officials of IAF were busy for President's Sukhoi sortie for more than a month but everybody was happy when President was more than satisfied and found her comfortable and confident with the exercise. Accompanied by Air Chief Marshal P V Naik and Air Marshal P S Bhangu, President Pratibha Patil arrived at Lohegaon air base at 9.35 and accepted guard of honors. IAF officials again brief her about the sortie and Pratibha Patil started walking towards Sukhoi 30 MKI - in a specially made military green colored G-suit around 10.30 am. She was introduced ...
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